Thursday 7 May 2009

This Week’s Number 1!!!!
7th May 2009

Tinchy Stryder ft N – Dubz – Number 1.

My Thoughts.
I love this song it never seems to get boring; I think that that it is because it doesn’t get played too much. I think it has done well to stay at the top for 2 weeks.

Do I think it will stay there?
I am not sure weather it is going to be able to stay at the top for a third week but you never know. There is only one song in the charts at the moment that I absolutely love and that is ‘Beyonce – Halo’ it is such a beautiful song.

Who would I like to see at number 1 next week?

I would love to see Beyonce at number 1 with Halo, it is a beautiful song and in my eyes it doesn’t get played enough on the radio. I love it because you can have a right good sing along to it. I think that she really does this song justice and I hope she does well this week.

Your Comments.
Let me know who would like to see at the top spot next week and weather you agree with me on the Beyonce front!!!

1 comment:

  1. Bob Dylan puts out a new album and N-dubs goes to number one, coo coo
