Thursday 30 April 2009

This week’s number 1.
30th April 2009

This week’s number one is ‘Tinchy Stryder ft N – Dubz – number 1’

My Thoughts.

I like this song it is very addictive. I am quite shocked that it is number one as I don’t think that it is played that often, (or as often as it should be!). I am not sure weather it will still be there next wee though.

Do I think it will stay there?
I don’t think that it will be there next week because there are a lot of good songs coming through the charts this week my favourite is definitely ‘Beyonce’s Halo’ it is a beautiful song.

Who would I like to see at number one next week?
I would love to see Beyonce with Halo at number one next week. It is a beautiful song and she definitely does it justice, her voice is amazing on this track. I would love to see her get the number one spot!!

Your thoughts.
Let me know who you think to be at number one next week.

1 comment:

  1. tinchy stryder has a massive head and dappy looks like a sewer rat!!!!!!!!!!!!
