Thursday 26 March 2009

This week's number 1 - 12 March 2009

This week’s number one is ‘flo rida FT Kesha’ ‘right round’
My thoughts.
Like always Flo Rida never fails to bring out a good song, I think that this song is brilliant although I was very shocked that it was number 1. I think that it does deserve the number one spot but it has some tough competition.

Do I think that it will stay there?
I don’t think that it will hold onto the number one spot next week because the competition is so fierce. There are many songs in the top ten that have not yet reached the number one spot and I am sure that they will make it at some point so I think that any song at number one at the moment is only going to last a week but I could be wrong!!!!!!

Who would I like to see at number one this week?
I like a lot of the songs in the chart and I have a few favourites up in the top 10, but there is one song that I think stands out from the rest and I think that this song will make it to number one, and that is Lady Gaga’s ‘poker face’. I didn’t like it at first but this song definitely grew on me and I think it is a top competitor for the number one spot next week.

Your comments.
Let me know what you think about the action in the charts and who it is that you would like to see at the top spot next week!!!

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