Thursday 14 May 2009

Media Influence.


The internet is a source for both sides of every storey. I feel that you never really know the whole truth about an issue because if you read about a storey in a newspaper then you read it on the internet they are different, this is because different companies and different newspapers are biased different ways, and therefore I feel like you will never know the whole truth. I think that the media has a huge impact on everyone’s life as it is the only fast way to find out about things happening around the world, so I think that the media can be manipulated to make us hear and see what the authorities want us to see not always what is actually happening.

Thursday 7 May 2009

This Week’s Number 1!!!!
7th May 2009

Tinchy Stryder ft N – Dubz – Number 1.

My Thoughts.
I love this song it never seems to get boring; I think that that it is because it doesn’t get played too much. I think it has done well to stay at the top for 2 weeks.

Do I think it will stay there?
I am not sure weather it is going to be able to stay at the top for a third week but you never know. There is only one song in the charts at the moment that I absolutely love and that is ‘Beyonce – Halo’ it is such a beautiful song.

Who would I like to see at number 1 next week?

I would love to see Beyonce at number 1 with Halo, it is a beautiful song and in my eyes it doesn’t get played enough on the radio. I love it because you can have a right good sing along to it. I think that she really does this song justice and I hope she does well this week.

Your Comments.
Let me know who would like to see at the top spot next week and weather you agree with me on the Beyonce front!!!

Thursday 30 April 2009

This week’s number 1.
30th April 2009

This week’s number one is ‘Tinchy Stryder ft N – Dubz – number 1’

My Thoughts.

I like this song it is very addictive. I am quite shocked that it is number one as I don’t think that it is played that often, (or as often as it should be!). I am not sure weather it will still be there next wee though.

Do I think it will stay there?
I don’t think that it will be there next week because there are a lot of good songs coming through the charts this week my favourite is definitely ‘Beyonce’s Halo’ it is a beautiful song.

Who would I like to see at number one next week?
I would love to see Beyonce with Halo at number one next week. It is a beautiful song and she definitely does it justice, her voice is amazing on this track. I would love to see her get the number one spot!!

Your thoughts.
Let me know who you think to be at number one next week.
This week’s number 1.
30th April 2009

This week’s number one is ‘Tinchy Stryder ft N – Dubz – number 1’

My Thoughts.

I like this song it is very addictive. I am quite shocked that it is number one as I don’t think that it is played that often, (or as often as it should be!). I am not sure weather it will still be there next wee though.

Do I think it will stay there?
I don’t think that it will be there next week because there are a lot of good songs coming through the charts this week my favourite is definitely ‘Beyonce’s Halo’ it is a beautiful song.

Who would I like to see at number one next week?
I would love to see Beyonce with Halo at number one next week. It is a beautiful song and she definitely does it justice, her voice is amazing on this track. I would love to see her get the number one spot!!

Your thoughts.
Let me know who you think to be at number one next week.

Wednesday 1 April 2009

This week’s number 1 – 2 April 2009.

This week’s number 1 is ‘Lady Gaga and Poker face’

My thoughts.
I love this song I think it is really good I am glad to see it at the top spot two weeks in a row. I am very surprised that it is still there as I think that there are a lot of songs that could easily make number 1. I think that this one has managed to stay at number one because it is soo addictive and stays in your head.

Do I think it will stay there?
I really don’t know if it will manage to keep it there this week but I was proven wrong last this week so I could be wrong again. I think that ‘Lady Gaga’ is really good and every song she brings out is addictive and just gets into everyone’s head.

Who would I like to see at number one this week?
I would really like to see ‘Taylor Swift and Love story’ make it to number one this week, I love that song!!!!! I think that it is the nicest song out there at the moment and it deserves to be number one next week.

Your comments.
Let me know if you are happy that ‘Lady Gaga’ is still at number one or if like me you would like to see ‘Taylor Swift’ at the top spot next week.

Thursday 26 March 2009

This week's number 1 - 26 March 2009.

This week it is Lady GaGa and ‘Poker Face’.

My thoughts.
I am soooooo glad that Lady GaGa finally got to the top with ‘Poker Face’. I really like this song and I defiantly think that it deserves to be there. It just seems that all of her songs are going to do well and I think that it is because they are so addictive and they just stick in your head!!!

Do I think it will stay there?

I don’t think that any song in the charts at the moment are going to keep the number 1 spot because it just seem like everyone is bringing out excellent songs, and a lot of them deserve the top spot so I think they are only going to last a week at a time, but who knows?

Who would I like to see at number one this week?
I seriously love Taylor Swift’s ‘Love Story’ I think that this song has got to be number one this week. It is defiantly me favourite song in the charts at the moment, (and there are a lot of good songs in there). I really hope she makes it!!

Your comments.
Let me know if you agree with me on the Taylor Swift front!!

This week's number 1 - 19 march 2009.

Jenkins/Jones/West/Gibb. Islands in the stream.

My thoughts.
It is no surprise that this song is number one this week; I love the fact that the comic relief songs do really well. I love this song and I think that these guys made it seriously comical.

Do I think that it will stay there?
I don’t think that it is going to be there next week; there is a lot of competition although all of the songs that have been at number one lately are still in the top ten so it still might do well.

Who would I like to see at number one this week?
I am still routing for Lady GaGa this week with ‘Poker Face’. There is so many good songs in the top ten at the moment and more keep coming in. I also really like Taylor Swift and ‘Love Story’, so I think that I will route for these two as I really love them at the moment, but my predictions could be wrong.

Your comments.

Let me know what you think about the charts this week and who you would like to see in the limelight next week.

This week's number 1 - 12 March 2009

This week’s number one is ‘flo rida FT Kesha’ ‘right round’
My thoughts.
Like always Flo Rida never fails to bring out a good song, I think that this song is brilliant although I was very shocked that it was number 1. I think that it does deserve the number one spot but it has some tough competition.

Do I think that it will stay there?
I don’t think that it will hold onto the number one spot next week because the competition is so fierce. There are many songs in the top ten that have not yet reached the number one spot and I am sure that they will make it at some point so I think that any song at number one at the moment is only going to last a week but I could be wrong!!!!!!

Who would I like to see at number one this week?
I like a lot of the songs in the chart and I have a few favourites up in the top 10, but there is one song that I think stands out from the rest and I think that this song will make it to number one, and that is Lady Gaga’s ‘poker face’. I didn’t like it at first but this song definitely grew on me and I think it is a top competitor for the number one spot next week.

Your comments.
Let me know what you think about the action in the charts and who it is that you would like to see at the top spot next week!!!

this weeks number 1 - 5 March 2009

This weeks number one is Kelly Clarkson’s ‘my life would suck without you’.

My thoughts.
I have never really loved Kelly Clarkson but at the same time I have never disliked her. I loved this song the second it came out and I think that it defiantly deserves the number one spot.

Do I think that she will stay there?
I think that this song is fantastic but I am not sure weather she id going to stay at this number one spot next week I would like it of she did but am not sure if she is capable of keeping it there, and there is fierce competition in my eyes there are lots of song in the top ten that I would like to see at number one this week.

Who would I like to see at number one?
I would like to see pussycat dolls feat. Missy Elliot - ‘whatcha think about that’ at number one this week as that is definitely my favourite song in the top ten this week.

Your comments.
Let me know how you feel about this weeks chart and who you would like to see at number one!!!!!